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Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 6:16 am
by Origami_Dragon
My entry is written in...sort of a different style. This is meant to be read as though a Sharian has asked Searing to share some of his family history and this is the tale the Sharian got (minus the accent). There are a few times where it is implied that the Sharian interjected with a question, but only Searing's answer is recorded. Sorry if that gets a bit confusing... This may not be quite what you were looking for...but I had fun writing it anyways. And so...on with the story. Thanks for holding this Jenn!

Your Name: Origami_Dragon

Which Slot: I provide. I have one and can spare two of my points to getting these guys some foals!

Pairing: Searing of the Sands Aflame and Hiss of the Faded Coral from the Song of Endless Sands.

Why Them: They're two of my favorite Sams, and the first ones I ever really wrote a story about and started RPing. I'd love to see them have foals (and normal foals before I try to make them have an aquatic baby would be good for them and their sanity too). I'll also admit to wanting to see what sort of ears show up on a breeding between a large eared desert and an earless Sam... But really, these two have inspired me to write more than any of my other Sams have, and I'd like to see if their foal would carry on the family tradition.

Ancestor's Name: Tracing of Timeworn Paths (and perhaps Glow of Golden Sands)
Ancestor's Story: (No idea of the wordcount on this...but far beyond 300 I'm sure)
This is the tale of my many times great grandsire, from back before the days when there were truely desert Samanayrs. In those days we had not yet been driven to hide in the far reaches of the world, in remote areas traveled by few. Though the time of the Scattering of the Songs was near at hand and my many times great grandsire had already lost Songmates to the poachers.

The story that I had from my mother and she from her father and he from his, all the way back to the days before the Scattering does not tell us much of my many times great grandsire Tracing of Timeworn Paths's youth. We know that he lived in the marginal lands by choice; that he was born there and chose to remain, accepting only mares who would likewise be happy in the scrublands. It was not for safety that he lived there either. In fact such lands were considered a fine hunting spot for those who eventually drove us to Scatter. They had not the hiding places of the deep forest, nor were they so inhospitable to the hunters as the deep desert was. Because of this he was forced to be ever vigalent, with little time in which to pursue his interests in the history of our race. Though he loved well the lands he lived in and the mares who kept company with him a traveler would little know it, so grumpy was he due to the constant strain of watching for the approach of hunters intending to steal off his Song for servitude or death.

What? No, I'm sorry, what histories Tracing had gathered were lost. I asked my mother for them too when I was small. She had never heard them in the stories she had from her father. May I continue? Thank you.

Now it happened one day that in evading yet another poacher seeking to steal away his Song Tracing found that he had lead them to the very edge of the marginal lands. Before them stretched the inhospitable sands of the desert, shimmering with the heat of the day. Even he and his mares, toughened by their life in the marginal lands, quailed at the notion of entering that place. Most of them were lean and long legged, but it was the last, a dainty little thing who had fled to the scrub to escape pursuers and taken up with Tracing's Song more for safety than for love of the place, who worried Tracing. Though she was not truely one of his mares he would not have it said that he abandoned her.

Imagine the surprise of Tracing and his three mares with this little Lamanayr, named Glow of Golden Sands, was the one who encouraged them to seek out the desert, seeming to light up as she looked out over the sands which were as golden as her coat. For the first time she was seeing her namesake. My mother fondly liked to imagine that it was from her that we are decended, but I have never been one for tracing my line of decent.

What? Yes, fine, it is the tale of both Tracing and Glow. But you wanted family history and I only know that I am Tracing's decendant. I don't know which of his mares was my many times great granddam. Yes, Glow truely joined his Song not long after they entered the desert. Are you done now? Now where was I...

Ah yes... With encouragement from Glow the entire Song left behind their home on the edges of desert country and moved into deep desert. They soon found that this land called for an even more migratory lifestyle than they had been accustomed to. Water was much scarcer than they had known before. Food was just as hard to find. The heat baked them by day but the nights were startlingly chill, even cold. And yet...despite all the hardships that they found, Tracing found himself happier than he had ever been. He wondered why he had never taken them here before. Perhaps it was merely that Glow's enthusiasm was catching. If so, his other mares seemed to have caught it too. Or perhaps it was that fewer preditors lived in the desert and the hunters and poachers, needing more water than a samanayr does, would not venture out there. After all, as far as they knew there weren't enough Samanayrs in the desert to make it worth their while.

And while it was true that there were far fewer Sams around to gather histories from, there were more and more begining to gather in the desert, trusting to its inhospitable reaches to keep them safe. And while they were more territorial with water so scarce, there were some large, permanent oasis around which moods were more relaxed. And with the safety they were more willing to talk. But back then there were no Shairan around to record our history as you are now, and Tracing collected the stories for his own pleasure, not to amuse his foals and later grandfoals with. As I told you before, my line of the family does not have any of those tales.

There are many other tales I could share with you of their adjustment to life in the desert. Of how they learned the signs to tell where water was to be found. How they learned to navigate in the vast sea of rolling dunes, of the first foal born to Tracing in the desert and learning to raise young there. Or the tale of their first rainy season and the shock and fear that caused. These and more were the tales my birth Song told to restless foals, to teach us pride in our history. We can claim decent not only from some of the first of the true desert Samanayrs, but from those who first explored the desert as a home as the Scattering began. We have their stories yet and we keep their memories alive. Even those who choose to leave the desert and reunite with our Scattered kin will hold those memories dear and teach their foals in turn of the bravery of their ancestors.

You wish to hear more of the tales of Tracing? Come back and visit another night. You might bring more of that tasty fruit with you. I do like fruit. But for now, fairwell.

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:27 pm
by sera
Your Name: sera
Which Slot: Jenn Slottage! (i could manage one breeding modiem. xD;)
Pairing: Mystic of the Echoing Jungle x Melting of the Chocolate Honey ... jungle.php x
Why Them: Echoing~Jungle is very kind, especially towards the shy little Melting who has such lovely ears that nevertheless make her feel a bit like a freak. This seemed a good time to try and find out exactly why she’s so self-conscious about her ears. Lol And, with many self issues, this one is apparently firmly founded in her mother! 8D
Ancestor's Name: Sound of the Oncoming Dawn
Ancestor's Story:
Sound was amazing. Or, at least, so she thought. She’d been born with extra long ears; not just the normal large ears or even rabbit ears, but long ears that swayed gently at her sides and actually touched her knees from time to time. She was, to put it lightly, inordinately proud of her very long ears. Who else had such marvelous, silky ears? No one in her Song, not even anyone from her Birth Song, though her mother had large ears. Sound would trot around, twitching her ears, tossing her head so everyone could see the marvelous, wonderful long ears that she had.

Her stallion had picked her for her ears; she knew this for a fact. She perfectly recalled the day he had come whistling up to her, showing his interest through the intricate melodies created just for her. And the other two mares in the Song were terribly jealous—as well they should be—with wonder for this fantastic, unusual trait of hers. Everyone wished that they could have as wonderful ears as hers.

Despite their marvelous length, however, Sound couldn’t actually hear all that much better than any of the other Samanayrs in her Song, or those who would visit their hotsprings. So while she would gloat and prance about proudly, she never managed to hear the low grumbles from the other mares in the Song, nor her stallion’s exasperated sighs at her pride. Even after she gave birth to a wonderful little filly who had the same fabulous long ears as her, Sound remained oblivious to the snickers and sniping comments.

For some reason, however, some strange, odd reason that the mare could just never quite figure out, her gorgeous little filly with stunningly long ears—ears longer than even her own!—was. . . self-conscious. Shy. Embarrassed by her ears, by the very thing that set her apart from the average, boring Samanayr! So Sound would cajole her darling daughter, push her into the limelight, try to draw interest to her and her lovely ears and spent her days wondering why the more she pushed Melting into the spotlight, the more the young mare would hide.

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:44 am
by Saiki
Jenn, do you already have plans for Scorch of the Burning Winds? Cause I'd like to write about one of Mystic of the Burning Storm's ancestors if you're not. ^^

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:46 am
by Jennalyn
Nope, no plans with him. <3 Go right ahead!

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:51 am
by Jennalyn
Just so that everyone knows - this contest closes in a little over six hours from now at 8 PM EST, or Eastern Standard Time in the US. If you're still working on an entry, make sure it's in by then! I'm afraid I won't be able to accept late entries, in fairness to everyone else.

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:53 am
by Echos
Thank god I didn't miss this. I saw your post and freaked out thinking you'd just closed it XD

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:23 am
by Echos
Your Name: Echos
Which Slot: Jenn Provides
Pairing: Hush of Winter Snowfall x Ice of the Fallen Morning from Song of the fading Aurora
Why Them: I've always been a fan of Northern but haven't been lucky enough to get one yet so when I saw the song was open I got really excited. The Artic has always fascinated me and I've always wanted to visit it and see that foreign world for my self. The idea of writing a story of an Northern Sam in such a challenging and unpredictable climate really appealed to me since I think they're way of life often gets overlooked in favor of more typical sam settings.

Ancestor's Name: Healer of the Midnight Sun

Ancestor's Story:

The far North was not an easy place to exist at the best of time. The bitter cold winds that breathed over the flat land, whipping up flurries of snow that bit the skin of any who lingered on the flat tundra, froze the land for months on end. The sky, perpetually dark, cast its faint light on the impossibly beautiful glaciers that rose like mountains of blue glass from the sea, collapsing with thunderous noise into the foaming black waters. The sun, when it did make its appearance filled with sky with constant dull light and brought the snows natural whiteness to new levels blinding all who walk the land without knowledge of its reflection. Beneath the Arctic's heel of hate, those that are weak, or sick, or old, quickly succumb to this harsh, breathing taking world of snow and ice.

Tonight the wind howled over the icy land, tearing at anything it could slid its freezing claws into. Snow feel in a white sheet so thick that North could just as easily be South, right could be left. Those that lived in this world and knows it fickle ways where already curled up, buried deep in snow caves or hollows until the storm past. But Healer of the Midnight Sun was not granted that luxury tonight. She had been called out of her den into the bitter wind that buffeted her pale fur and pulled at the precious bag tied securly to her back.

The small rodent like creature that had brought her the summons appeared again out the white landscape, chattering anxiously at her pause and darting back the way it had come, clearly telling her to follow. Looking for the small tracks in the snow she pushed forward, each step slowed down by the the seeping layer of snow that blanketed the ground and the fierce wind.

Every so often the creature would dart back into view, as if making sure she was still following its direction. The further they went they more frequent these short visits from her guide became until at last it led her out of the wind into one of the small crevasse caves many samanyars in the North used for homes. Her guide gave her one last anxious scolding and scampered on ahead, disappearing down a path that led through the huge slabs of glacial ice that formed the crevasse towering walls. The whole place glowed an eerie blue, lit up from inside the ice by the rays of light the glacier trapped during the times when the sun made its welcome appearance. \

Shaking the ice crystal from he fur Midnight wound her way through the narrow slot in the ice until it opened in the small cavern where a stallion stood anxiously by the side of a pale blue mare struggling with her birth. The pets chattering alerted the stallion of her presence and he stumbled over, anxiety and weariness etched in his face and eyes. She took in the scene with pity, a winter birth in the North was bound to be fraught with hardship.

"Thank you foyr coming," the stallion sighed, his voice heavy with relief. "The foal won't come, she's been like this for houyrs with no change."

Midnight nodded walking over to set beside the laboring mare, already reaching out with the healing magic she possessed. One heart beat, strong and fast pulsed through the thread of magic she had fed into the mare immediately locking onto Midnight's own and holding fast. Pushing more magic down the connection, she fed the mare some of her own strength while sending a thread of power to search for the other life. It took a moment but - There, a small heartbeat joined the first this one so soft she had almost missed it. It beat sluggishly but at least the foal was alive. Too many late births ended stillborn, though there had been times when she'd wondered if that wasn't a mercy.

"The foal and its motheyr are both alive foyr now," she told the stallion, pulling some of her precious herbs from the bag she'd brought. Two of the right ones would give the mare the strength she had lost during the early hours of her labor and the other would help to strengthen the foal's heart. While the mare ate, Midnight continued her examination. Everything appeared to be fine from the outside but around the foal her magic flared, signalling that something was wrong.

"It's byreech. The foals byreech," she said out loud realizing the problem immediately. It was one of the few things that would prevent an healthy mare from giving birth to an apparently healthy foal. The mare's eyes widened with alarm and she tried to twist her head around to see for herself. Turning her attention away from the mare for a moment as another spasm ran across her swollen belly, Midnight gestured for the stallion to come over.

"I'm going to need youyr help to tyry turn the foal ayround," she told him, keeping her voice level and cool. If he paniced he wouldn't be of any use to her and she need him to make sure that his mare stayed as still as possibly while she worked. "Hold heyr head and talk to heyr, I need heyr absolutely still foyr this to woyrk."

Sending more magic into the pair, Midnight focused on the foal, carefully working her magic around its legs and using it like a rope to try and slide the delicate babe around. The mare panted heavily as Midnight worked, though each breath seemed more labored and the increased frequency of the contractions kept the foal from turning the way she wanted it to. It was clear that if the foal wasn't born soon the mare would be too exhausted to finish the delivery no matter which direction the foal was facing.

Releasing the magic she'd fed into the foal, she instead flooded the mare, forcing her magic to strengthen each contraction. After a few tense moments the foal's tail appeared, followed by its hips. Now things would get tricky. She'd had to force the birth canal from contracting once the foal's shoulder where free or else the foal would be suffocated. On top of that the mare was nearly exhausted and Midnight was having to feed her own energy into her so she didn't collapse. Ignoring her own tiredness, she focused on the foal, knees, front legs, shoulders... a last thrust of magic and the foal slipped free to Midnights relief as the mare finally slipped into sleep. A moment later she her happiness at the foal's birth vanished. The mare's heartbeat, strong up until now was fluctuating wildly and her magic worked frantically to stem the internal bleeding caused by the torn placenta. For a few minutes the bleeding slowed but as it increased again Midnight felt her magic struggling to keep up with the flow. She lost. The mare's heartbeat dropped and only a few minues later stopped entirely.

Wearily Midnight stood up, feeling drained and numb at the loss of the mare. She had over extended herself and her magic and now she would have to pay the price. But before she could collapse and let sleep claim her there were still matters to attend to. The stallion, whose mate she had just failed to save, was singing softly, a heart wrenching song that echoed through the ice chamber as he mourned his mate. She could not help him much, that was not a pain she would be able to heal. But for now another needed to be seen to.

The little filly lay on the snowy ground, her white fur still slick from the birth. Nudging her gently, Midnight urged the little Northern to her feet and after a few stumbling tried she remained standing, though looking unsure of her balance. A quick examination showed that the filly was healthy and had survived her birth without any complications. Satisfied Midnight returned to the stallion, "Theyre was nothing I could do to save heyr. I used to much magic to save youyr daughteyr."

For the first time he seemed to notice the little fluffy filly standing next to Midnight. Slowly, almost as if he was looking at a mirage he came over to greet her. They bore a striking resemblance, though the fillies legs appeared to be tinged with pale green now that her fur was drying out.

"Shayrd always wanted a little giyrl. She's said if she eveyr had one she'd name heyr Sastyrugi afteyr the glacieyrs she loved so much. Sastyrugi of the Living Ice," he said softly more to himself than Midnight. Turning to the Healer he asked desperately, "What am supposed to do? It's only the stayrt of winteyr, I won't be able to feed heyr until spring, maybe not even till summeyr. She'll die. I can't loose them both."

"She'll be fine foyr one night at least. I must yrest before I leave, until then look afteyr heyr," Midnight said wearily, sinking to her knees and watching the two until sleep claimed her.

When she woke a few hours later she was alone. Getting unsteadily to her feet Midnight hurried to the entrance of the crevasse. The worst of the storm had passed through while she slept and while the sky was still an ominous grey and fat slakes drifted down the land looked almost inviting. A delighted squeal echoed across the glacier and she looked up to see the filly, Sastrugi as she'd been named, slipping on thin legs down a path in the side of the glacier. Her father was a little ways behind, looking heavy hearted. In a flurry of snow Sastrugi tumbled off the ice and into a deep drift. Midnight smiled a bit as the filly popped out again, squealing happily at her ride and pranced over.

"I gave her motheyr to the sea," Sastrugi's father said numbly joining them, watching the filly play sadly.

"And the foal?" Midnight asked.

"I can't keep heyr, she wouldn't survive if I did. I was going to see if I could find a song to fosteyr heyr."

Midnight nodded, "You realize if you might not see heyr again if you did that. That song would become heyr family, you couldn't take heyr away again and if they moved she'd go with them. That is if you can even find anotheyr song with young foals this time of yeayr in time. "

He nodded sadly, aware of the impact the decision would have on them both. Aware that he had no choice and aware that his chances of finding Sastrugi a foster mother were slim.

"Give heyr to me. I will raise heyr for now," Midnight told him firmly, "I don't know if I will pass thyrough heyre again but if I do, we shall find you. I can't pyromise moyre than that but at least you'll know she's alive."

He hesitated a moment, but nodded in agreement eventually. "Give heyr this when you think she's ready. It was her motheyrs," he said offering a simple necklace on which hung a small glittering blue stone that looked remarkably like it had splintered of the ice caves.

"Alyright, when she's ready," Midnight agreed taking the necklace and turning to leave, nudging the little filly along until the stallion and glacier disappeared behind the falling snow.

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 2:57 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Just about one hour left! *peers around to see if there will be any more stories to read. I don't envy you judging this Jenn...even if you do have fewer entries than Sushi had for the birthday events.

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:26 pm
by Saiki
Thanks, Jenn! ^^

Your Name: Saiki
Which Slot: Jenn provides. ^^ I don't have quite enough points for two breeding modiems.
Pairing: Scorch of the Burning Winds and Mystic of the Burning Storm
Why Them: I absolutely love Mystic. I had been hoping for a mystic female with wings from the breeding, and I got exactly what I wanted. <3 And Scorch is just stunning. I had actually considered submitting a breeding with Plunge and Dance before I ended up going with Mystic's parents.
Ancestor's Name: Mystic of Singed Fur
Ancestor's Story: Mystic of Singed Fur had decided that she would be staying in this little cave tonight, and if there were other Samanayrs that had a problem with it... Well, she honestly didn't care. They should have been taking better care of their Song territory--she had wandered the area near this cave all day, and no one had challenged her yet. And a lone Samanayr who felt that they owned this cave wouldn't dare argue with her once they realized she was a fire Mystic, and that she was not to be trifled with when she wanted to rest!

Of course, it seemed like everyone else was out to test her resolve... For as soon as she started to doze off, she was awoken by a low chuckle.

"Appayrently Byreath is not the only one who thinks that that yrock makes a good pillow."

Mystic scrambled to her feet, suddenly wide awake. "Who ayre you!?" she snapped at the Samanayr. She was only able to see the stallion's silhouette; he stood in the mouth of the cave and the setting sun was right behind him. But from what she could see, he was another Mystic like her.

"I should be asking you that," the stallion replied in a smooth voice, stepping further into the cave. "But if you must know, I am Mystic of the Pale Leaf. And now, lovely mayre, who ayre you?"

Now that she could see him, she felt even more animosity towards him--he was one of those weak, foolish little earth Mystics! She would almost rather be surrounded by those lesser Samanayrs, the ones who lacked even the smallest amount of magic, than be around a Mystic with earth magic. They exasperated her to no end.

Slightly curling her lip, Mystic of Singed Fur took a step backwards. "None of youyr business, eayrth mystic," she growled. "But I'll be staying heyre tonight, no matteyr what you say!"

Mystic of the Pale Leaf seemed to find this quite amusing. He laughed and tossed his mane at her. "Well, well, my fieyry little Mystic of None-Of-Youyr-Business," he said mockingly, "Byreath and I ceyrtainly don't mind shayring ouyr little den with you!"

The timid little face that peeked in just as he said that and nearly jumped a foot in the air at the sight of Mystic of Singed Fur told a different story.


Mystic of Singed Fur found herself staying much longer than the one or two nights she had originally planned to stay, and was even more surprised when Mystic of the Pale Leaf made no move to force her to leave even after several months of her staying there.

At least at first, she was only staying because fresh water, ample food, and a nice shelter were readily available to her. She had felt no love for Mystic of the Pale Earth, who sneered mockingly at her most of the day but was almost sickeningly sweet to Breath. And she could hardly stand Breath of Soft Light either; the small mare with her bright pastel fairy wings had been so timid and nervous around Mystic of Singed Fur that she had wanted to smack some sense into the other mare.

Every day was the same for the three of them. Mystic of Singed Fur would awake before dawn and go her own way, only returning to the cave after nightfall. Occasionally she crossed paths with the other two during the day. Even after so many months, Breath would generally flee after a few minutes whenever they met, while she and Mystic of the Pale Leaf would usually exchange nasty insults for a bit before going their separate ways again. Recently, and neither of them would admit it, these exchanges had become more of a game than anything else for the two of them.

It had been a warm day, and Mystic of Singed Fur was relaxing under the shade of huge bush when she heard a loud yelp. Feeling real fear, the kind a Samanayr only felt once or twice in their life, she leaped to her feet. The mare had started to turn and bound away when she suddenly stopped, remembering what her mother had tried to teach her when she was a tiny foal: that Mystics were there to help other Samanayrs. She found that she couldn't run away as she remembered her mother trying to drill that into her head--and how much she had refused to listen to the idea that she should 'serve' Samanayrs who lacked power. Feeling shamed, the mare turned and loped off in the direction the Oquiesa's yelp had come from.

Mystic of Singed Fur barely managed to skid to a halt before she stumbled right into an open clearing that seemed to be crawling with Oquiesas. Ducking behind a bush and steeling herself from running away, she looked again, realizing that there weren't quite as many as it seemed. There was only one adult, a female, with three young cubs who still seemed kind of unsteady on their feet. A fourth cub was sprawled on the ground, whimpering.

That didn’t mean that they were any less dangerous, especially not to the Samanayr they were circling. It took her a minute to recognize who it was, since the Samanayr was covered in mud and blood--either his own or the blood of one of the Oquiesas, she couldn’t tell. But at last she figured it out. It was Mystic of the Pale Leaf!

The mare held her breath as one of the puppies lunged towards his leg, but a well-aimed kick sent the puppy running away yelping. This seemed to be the last straw for the mother Oquiesa. With a ferocious snarl, the huge beast covered the distance between her and Mystic of the Pale Leaf and with a single swipe of her paw, sent the stallion flying. He did not get up when he hit the ground, but Mystic of Singed Fur could see his sides moving up and down faintly. So he’s still alive... so fayr.

Struck by a renewed sense of determination, Mystic of Singed Fur stepped out from her hiding place, calling, “Big byrute! Look over heyre!”

The mother Oquiesa whipped her head around, a low growl rumbling in her throat. Two of the puppies began to advance towards her, lips pulled back to reveal tiny baby teeth.

Everything seemed to happen quickly after that. Mystic of Singed Fur shot tendrils of flame towards the two puppies who scrambled away from the heat, yelping. And just as the mother Oquiesa prepared to pounce at her, something small and quick, with brightly-colored wings, cannon-balled into the side of the Oquiesa’s neck.

This was too much for the canine. Backing away and shaking her head, the mother Oquiesa scooped up the one puppy that lied unconscious on the ground. The two who had nearly been burned raced after her, and the last one, who had been kicked by Mystic of the Pale Leaf just as she arrived, limped after its family as fast as it could.

Mystic of Singed Fur looked over at the thing that had saved her and the stallion and could scarcely believe her eyes.

“...Byreath?” she asked, taking a step towards the other mare.

Breath of Soft Light did not look up from examining Mystic of the Pale Leaf.

“Let’s get him back to the cave, Mystic of Singed Fuyr.”

As she and Breath half-dragged, half-carried Mystic of the Pale Leaf back to the cave, Mystic of Singed Fur learned more about the other Samanayrs than she had ever thought she would have wanted to know. Breath, for instance, had a good reason to be afraid of fire mystics--her birth song's home, one that they had lived in for generations, had gone up in flames not long after she was born. And Breath claimed that Mystic of Pale Leaf wasn't quite as snotty and arrogant as he would have others believe; he had a real heart underneath the rather unappealing facade.

When Mystic of the Pale Leaf finally woke up, the three of them had a long conversation.


The next day, things didn't seem to have changed much between them at first. Mystic of Singed Fur went off on her own at dawn, like she usually did, and avoided the other two for most of the day.

But when a human traveler came by their cave that evening and Mystic of Pale Leaf referred to her as his mare, she didn't retort that she wouldn’t belong to an earth mystic. She just smiled and nodded.

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:51 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Your Name: LvSoulFriend
Which Slot: Either! I can provide, or Jenn can, I'm not picky XD
Pairing: Flight of the Desert Rain and Fury of the Cheated Hunter - Song of the Shattered Reflection
Why Them: I had originally picked out another pair, but then realized that the stallion's Healer baby made him ineligible *drools over that pairing*. So then I picked out another pair, and got permission, but them just didn't seem to want to tell me of an ancestor. This pair kept bugging me, especially the mare, and saying, hey, I want to tell my story! So, I'm telling it XD And mimics are full of win *nods*

Ancestor's Name: Hunter for the Damaged Pride

Ancestor's Story:

Hunter for the Damaged Pride was stalking them. The lone survivor of her pride-song, she was hunting those that had killed her family. Her cub-foals, and her mate. Once called Blur of the Tawny Sand, she had changed her name, vowing revenge for her kin. No longer was she a beauty to behold, with one feline ear mangled, a sharp eye forever dimmed, and one of her sand-colored paws lame. But Hunter for the Damaged Pride was stalking the killers.

The attack had come from a neighboring Song, one whose blood-thirsty ways had been known to them, but due to small numbers, her pride-song had left them in peace, not fearing them. Time had passed though, and they had been wrong to not fear them, wrong to let the others live, for their numbers grew and grew.

They had attacked early one morning, when sleep was deep upon them all, slaying the adults first, then going after the cub-foals, toying with them until they died. Like a hunter toys with its prey. They had made a mistake, however. They had left her alive, badly wounded, but alive. Hunter still didn't know how she survived; she had woken up and found her kin killed, torn to bits, with the clawed markings of the enemy the only mark of who killed them.

Hunter had changed her name then, vowing revenge upon those who dared to kill her pride-song, who thought they could get rid of them, the hunters of the plains.

They had thought wrong. For all of her injuries, Hunter was still the best tracker out there. Behind her lay her dead pride-song, her lion-maned mate, and her twin cub-foals, forever lost to her in the eternal sleep. Behind her lay three of the killers, dead before they realized it. Ahead, lay more of them, dead beasts walking, though they knew it not. Time would show them, however, that their days were numbered.

Hunter for the Damaged Pride was stalking the Sa’kriens.

((whoo! 331 words XD She was fun to write XD))

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:57 am
by Bluestarwolf12
So... Eh... Who won?

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 2:17 pm
by Math
I wonder when results will be revealed.

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:00 pm
by Jennalyn
I'm waiting on the thoughts of my two assistant judges. <3

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 1:25 pm
by Math
Oh, okay. :) *gives cookies to judges*

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 2:23 pm
by Jennalyn
Well, I finally got in contact with both of my judges today and we discussed the entries. Ironically enough, they were in perfect agreement on their favorites, though for different reasons. The prompts were given anonymously and without names. One judge was part of the Sam community and one wasn't, so this was definitely a blind-judging from that end. xD

The winner for Jenn-provides is Sound of the Oncoming Dawn. Or rather, Mystic x Melting and sera.
One judge's assessment: XD Holy crap I adore this one. It's my favorite just for the tone and the fact that the character is just so... fantastically portrayed.
The other: Ooh, I kinda like this one. xD It's silly. I like mom's "tra-de-la" attitude.

The winner for you-provide is Wildfire, or Rend x Inferno and Janalee.
A judge's opinion: This was fun. >3 In a very dark way. At first I was like "meh emo" and then at the end "ohohoho hell yes >3"
The other: I really enjoy this one. I kind of wish there was more, because it's an interesting look into the character's personality. This is my number one pick.

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you all for participating! These breedings will be put in for in October. If my other September person doesn't get back to me before we're nearing the end of the month, the you-provide will be put in for September instead.

For both of these, since they're a guaranteed breeding slot the equivalent of purchasing a custom breeding, I reserve the right to choose which foal I would like. If you have problems with this and wish to bargain or discuss it, I have no problems with that. <3

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 2:34 pm
by Math
Congrats you two!
I'll have to rely on chance, but there's nothing wrong with that. <3

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 2:46 pm
by sera
lol Yay and thank you! xD;;; i'm glad people enjoy Sound. xD;;

And eeeee!!! potentially long-eared babies! *happy dance* xD Thank you for running this contest, Jenn! <33

Congrats to Janalee as well!! hehee i can't wait to see their spawn, too! >3

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:01 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Congrats to the winners!

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:04 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Congrats you two! Was fun reading all the stories that appeared here. Can't wait to see what little foals appear from these!

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:20 pm
by Janalee
Eeeee! *dances ecstatically* Thanks so much Jenn and the mysterious judges! And thanks for posting the judges' comments as well; it's good to see what people think of your writing, especially when you don't do it often. *laughs* And is it sad that I kind of want "meh emo" as my user rank now? XD
Yeah, I think I'm going to be bouncing around happily all night now. *grins, and runs off to get things ready for the trade* Oh, and I think it's perfectly fair for you to choose which foal to keep, and which to give away. ^_^

Congrats to you as well Sera! I have to agree with the judges; your story was just fun to read. ^^ And the foals should be gorgeous too; I can't wait to see all of them now!

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:27 pm
by Harroway
Congrats everyone for some wonderful entries. <3 Can't wait to see the foals!

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:42 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
Congrats you two! Can't wait to see the adorable babies! =3

Re: Jennerations Collide! Contest

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:49 pm
by Echos
Congratulations! I can't wait to see the foals from both of these pairings. I had so much fun with this contest and am in truth kind of happy my pair didn't win cause now I can try to get Midnight and Sastrugi as customs which would have been kind of strange if they'd won the ancestor contest XD