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February custom draw - closed!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:13 am
by Sushidragon
The custom draw is now closed! Results will be announced in the next few days :D

Time to get back to doing monthly draws! This month it's a draw for custom Sams. You pick everything - the colors, gender, trait, markings, and a simple accessory (if you'd like)! You can also include a name for your Samanayr, as long as it follows the Samanayr naming rules (names are "Something" of the "Something" "Something"). There will probably be three or four forms randomly drawn.

Please keep the following in mind when entering the draw:

- Your entry can be a Samanayr, Lamanayr, or Northern.
- Your custom can have up to one common or uncommon trait. This is in addition to any species-specific traits (eg, a Northern would have the Fluffy trait, and you could pick an additional common or uncommon trait).
- Please note that the Mystic Strands trait is restricted to Mystics, so cannot be used in this draw.
- Your custom can also have up to one simple accessory, such as a necklace, bracelet, or barrette. If you'd like to include an accessory, please describe its placement, appearance, and colors!

Here's the list of traits:

Please let me know if you have any questions!

To enter the draw, please reply here with:

Have you adopted a Samanayr before?
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation?
Samanayr name (optional):
Markings and colors:
Trait (optional):
Accessory (optional):
A word or two about personality:

Any incorrect forms will not be included in the draw. This will be open until February 6, 6pm PST - good luck!

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:51 am
by Origami_Dragon
Username: Origami_Dragon
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? Yup yup! Lots!
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? PI presentation
Samanayr name (optional): You choose
Gender: Mare
Species: Lamanayr
Markings and colors: Pristine white fur with a silver and gold mane and tail tuft. Rainbow wings and some sort of rainbow pattern on her body.
Trait (optional): Extensive Foot Tufts, Faery Wings (species trait)
Accessory (optional): None, she thinks she's too fabulous to need any such thing XD
A word or two about personality: Prissy, vain, hates getting muddy and dirty

Thanks for doing the draw Sushi!

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:09 am
by Harroway
Username: Harroway
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? Ooooohhhh yes.
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? Webpage!
Samanayr name (optional): Up to you!
Gender: Mare
Species: Lamanayr
Markings and colors: Something in the warm spectrum, the rest being up to you!
Trait (optional): Draconic Wings (species), solid hooves
Accessory (optional): Again, up to you!
A word or two about personality: Curious, fanciful, loving!

Thank you so much, Sushi! <3

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:37 am
by Bluestarwolf12
Username: Bluestarwolf12
Have you adopted a Samanayr before?: Yes
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation?: Webpage
Samanayr name (optional): Navigator of the North Star
Gender: Stallion
Species: Northern
Markings and colors:
Trait (optional): Antlers, Fluffy (Species)
Accessory (optional): A compass with the design in the picture on a chain hanging from his neck.
A word or two about personality: He spends much of his time assisting anyone who is visiting the North with finding their way. As such, Navigator is very kind and helpful.

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:55 am
by superdoug
Username: superdoug
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? Yes ma'am!
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? PI presentation/Sam Database
Samanayr name (optional): Sentinel of the Star's Heart
Gender: Mare
Species: Lamanayr
Markings and colors: I'd like something similar to Burble of the Glacier Stream's (049) markings, but in green, red, and purple (green being the primary color).
Trait (optional): Paws
Accessory (optional): Necklace with a green hourglass on it.
A word or two about personality: Warrior is a proud little mare and one of the bravest from her birth Song. She literally seems to have been born without fear. As a result, she's looking for a stallion who shares a similar quality -- no wilting wallflowers for her! She wants a stallion that's nearly as adept as she is at getting into trouble and getting back out of it!

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:21 am
by silvermoondragon
Username: silvermoondragon
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? yes :D
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? webpage, here
Samanayr name (optional): Fisher of Swift Winds
Gender: Mare
Species: Lamanayr
Markings and colors: Based on the osprey, white with brown spots on chest, amber eyes, black wings, stripe along eye, and black barred tail
Here are some reference images: ... y-ozs2.jpg
Trait (optional): Triple Hooves. For the Lamanayr wings, feathered wings please
Accessory (optional): Feathers woven into mane and tail (colours that fit nicely)
A word or two about personality: Fisher is somewhat impulsive which combined with her bravery and courage sometimes gets her into trouble.

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:07 am
by Esperanza
Username: Celestial
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? Yes!
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? PI Presentation for now.
Samanayr name (optional): Breath of the Stolen Air
Gender: Mare
Species: Samanayr
Markings and colors: Breath is a pale blue, think of a robin's egg, but even lighter than that, almost white. Keep her markings in the primary light blue coloring, but I still want you to work your Sushi magic. <3 Her mane and tail are flowy and white. Her wing feather's are white also.
Trait (optional):Feathered Wings.
Accessory (optional): In her mane she has a blue jay feather in it.
A word or two about personality: She is shy, but is very sweet.

Thank you, Sushi, for holding this. <3

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:33 am
by Tasmen
Have you adopted a Samanayr before?Not yet, here is hoping :)
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? pi
Samanayr name (optional):
Markings and colors:Black along is back and wings. Wing skin color, tail, toes and head hair bright green. The rest of his body a pale silver/gray, fading from the black.
Trait (optional):Draconic Wings(species-specific trait), Pure Black Eyes(common)
Accessory (optional):(if you can, not super important) small silver/sparkly jewels along the top and spine of wings. In this picture it would be along the tan parts of the wings.
A word or two about personality: Strong and powerful. Greedy.

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:41 am
by Pristine
Username: Pristine
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? Yes!
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? Personal Webpage (click)
Samanayr name (optional): Sugar of the Sweet Winter
Gender: Mare
Species: Northern
Markings and colors: White muzzle/chest/underbelly, sandy cream-colored back/neck/head/tail and banding down toward white legs (like Warmth of Cinnamon Cocoa, ID 321, clicky, but with cream instead of brown). Instead of swirls on her back like on #321, tiger stripes in a dark blue-green, only on her back/sides.
Trait (optional): Paws
Accessory (optional): A big ribbon on her tail in the same dark blue-green as her tiger stripes
A word or two about persona: Cute and cuddly, sugary-sweet

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:50 pm
by Math
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? I got my lovely two, so yes. :D

Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? My PI presentation. :)
Samanayr name (optional): Sun of the Arctic Dawn
Gender: Mare
Species: Northern
Markings and colors: A light brown base. She has yellow eyes, and her hooves are a darker brown. And can there be very pale yellow stripes on her legs (just her legs)?
Trait (optional): Tuftless
Accessory (optional): If it's possible, could she have a single yellow (matching the eye colour but a tad bit lighter) leg warmer on one of her legs, please?
A word or two about personality: Galliant, reserved, and curious.

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:02 pm
by Delicious
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? Several :)
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? Webpage, when I finally flex my web-fu powers. <.<
Samanayr name (optional): Sushi's choice!
Gender: Mare
Species: Lamanayr
Markings and colors: Golds & creams, * quagga-ish stripes. (Also sort of pangared, with countershaded top)
Trait (optional): Feather Tufted Ears
Accessory (optional): A gold tail cuff would be lovely.
A word or two about personality: Precocious. Chatterbox. Likes shinies.

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:06 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Username: LvSoulFriend
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? *eyes signature*
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? Webpage!
Samanayr name (optional): Burst of Summer Joy
Gender: mare
Species: Lamanayr
Markings and colors: blues, greens, whites, purple. I'm envisioning swirls, but I'll leave the actual design up to you!
Trait (optional): (pure black eyes, tufted tail, draconic wings) double horns, pointing backwards if possible
Accessory (optional): a small sunburst on a black cord around her neck
A word or two about personality: joyful, sunny

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:35 pm
by Echos
Username: Echos
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? Yep
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? PI Presentation
Samanayr name (optional): Seeker of the Unified Theory
Gender: Stallion
Species: lamanayr
Markings and colors: I'll leave the design mostly up to you but chalkboard green body dusted with white at the tips and white markings. There is a sin graph going from his shoulder down to his foot and some markings of which are reminiscent of graphs and/or calculus symbols- things like a summation, integral/contour integral, pi, ... ymbols.htm
Trait (optional): Draconic Wings (species dependant), Upright Ears
Accessory (optional): a wooden abacus - I'd love for it to look handmade out of things like sticks, stones and seeds or something of the like since he created it himself (and is very proud of that fact). If thats too compicated a neklace made of abacus beads.
A word or two about personality: An eccentric stallion who is often absorbed with his own enthusiastic scribblings and discovery of things he calls variables, derivatives and mathematics. He is convinced that his discoveries will explain the mysterious of the world and is always excited to share his speculations and theories with anyone who will listen. Most have written him off as an eccentric but harmless kook but he has never let the disbelief of others hinder his exploration into the world of numbers.

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:12 pm
by Xenon
Username: Xenon
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? yessm! <3
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? Webpage thinger :D
Samanayr name (optional): ???
Gender: Mare
Species: Samanayr
Markings and colors: Rather than go into specifics... Brown, black, and bright pink! 8D
Trait (optional): Leonine mane
Accessory (optional): Bangles around her front legs?
A word or two about personality: Playful and vivacious. :D

Thank you, Sushi!! I do love these random draws, so much prettiness results from 'em.

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:32 pm
by Rekyrem
Username: Rekyrem
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? Yep!
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? PI pres.
Samanayr name (optional): Skitter of the Starlight Jazz
Gender: Stallion
Species: Lamanayr (Faery Wings)
Markings and colors: Black, neon pink, green, purple, and blue, and a dash of white sparkley dots. Other than the dots, go crazy with the design, preferably something funky and jazzy and reminiscent of neon lights. Mostly, I'd like him to be black, if possible.
Trait (optional): Tuftless
Accessory (optional): A black fedora, if possible? If not, that's fine.
A word or two about personality: He's very cool, very slick, and likes to dance. Very much a confident little guy. And flirtyyy.

: D

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:35 pm
by HybridSiren
Username: HybridSiren
Have you adopted a Samanayr before?: Yes
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation?: PI Pres
Samanayr name (optional):
Gender: Male
Species: Northern
Markings and colors: Think of a fluffy ravester. Base would be black while there would be many, neon, bright colors with polka dots or lava lamp-like designs, or random stars and pretty patterns. Bright green, orange, pink/magenta, cyan, yellow... go nuts! :D
Trait (optional): Feather wings
Accessory (optional): Bright red legwarmers
A word or two about personality: Ravey and bubbly!

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:51 pm
by Hedge
Username: Hedge
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? Yessiree!
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? Yessiree!
Samanayr name (optional): Twilight Before NeverEver
Gender: female
Species: Samanayr
Markings and colors: earth tones (patchy with spots)
Trait (optional): Ear Silk
Accessory (optional): collar
A word or two about personality: Chaotic Misunderstood

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:54 pm
by Britain
Username: Britain
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? Yes <3
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? Webpage
Samanayr name (optional): Arc of the Icy Heavens
Gender: Stallion
Species: Northern
Markings and colors: Mostly black, with some white and trimmed in vibrant purple or blue...or both. Maybe even green if you feel like it. Very DRAMATIC contrast, the kind that frightens predators of tropical insects. XD Markings are up to you. Tribal (like the tattoos) or stripes, maybe?
Trait (optional): Antlers
Accessory (optional): A clip in his mane (or a ring on one antler), with a long, dangling feather. (A primary feather from another Sam...ruthless battle trophy or regrets of a previous mate?! OOOOoooooOOoooh.)
A word or two about personality: Cold, distant, emotionless, quiet, regal. Solitary, and darkly hostile to intruders on his territory.

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:18 pm
by Jennalyn
Username: Jennalyn
Have you adopted a Samanayr before?: Ohhhh yes =^_^=
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation?: Webpage
Samanayr name: Cadence of the Rhythmic Love
Gender: Mare
Species: Samanayr
Markings and colors: If she could be colored at all like this little lady here, that would be epic: Pic
Trait: Solid Hooves (I'm going for horse mimic here, since Solid Hooves seems to be the only requirement for them! *grin*)
Accessory: A green ribbon in the mane would be beautiful
A word or two about personality: Active, vivacious, devil-may-care

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:35 pm
by cassiadawn
Username: CassiaDawn
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? Yup!
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? PI
Samanayr name (optional): you choose
Gender: Female
Species: Northern
Markings and colors: bright sky blue with white and brown okapi markings
Trait (optional): Chin Beard
Accessory (optional): a little bow in her chin beard
A word or two about personality: Full of energy and full of opinions! If she were a child, she'd be called precocious (if one was being generous... obnoxious if one wasn't!) XD

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:42 pm
by Pathos
Username: Pathos
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? Yes
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? PI presentation
Samanayr name (optional): Spark of the Fury Restrained
Gender: Male
Species: Lamanayr (Draconic Wings)
Markings and colors: Dark Red with Gold Tiger Stripes
Trait (optional): Double Horns
Accessory (optional): Collar around his neck
A word or two about personality: Fierce, Aggressive

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:52 pm
by AranelSaraphim
Username: AranelSaraphim
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? Yes.
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? PI presentation
Samanayr name (optional): Alchemy of Lost Knowledge
Gender: mare
Species: Lamanyr
Markings and colors: White body with Yellow/gold mane, tail and foot tufts that grade into brown, wing feathers the same. Horn nubs also gold/yellow. I'd like there to be some glints of gold and silver on her body too, please.
Trait (optional): (lamanyr traits: tufted tail, black eyes, feathered wings please) horn nubs
Accessory (optional): glasses
A word or two about personality: observing, logical, curious about everything

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:01 pm
by Saiki
Username: Saiki
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? Yep!
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? Webpage
Samanayr name: Fall of the Bitter Fruit
Gender: Mare
Species: Lamanayr
Markings and colors: I don't have any particular markings in mind, but white, orange, and pink would be nice, with a few black patches.
Trait: Antlers
Accessory: None
A word or two about personality: Bitter and angry.

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:12 pm
by Orasteele
Username: Orasteele
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? Yes, I have indeed!
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? Webpage (slow progress revamp, but working on getting it back up!)
Samanayr name (optional): Opera of the Joyous Soul
Gender: Stallion
Species: Lamanayr
Markings and colors: Warm green body a with white underbelly, black foot tufts, yellow mane & feet. Wings green & white, tipped in yellow. Markings: a very light dusting of small black spots down his spine.
Trait (optional): Leonine Mane, Feathered Wings (Species)
Accessory (optional): A solid black feather tied to his mane or maybe on a necklace around his neck or on an earring. I leave placement for you to decide :D
A word or two about personality: Carefree, Noble, Optimistic, and Easy Going. He can be in the worst of situations and he will always look on the bright side.

Re: February custom draw!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:31 pm
by CosmicDragon
Username: CosmicDragon
Have you adopted a Samanayr before? Yes. -snuggles her babehs-
Will your Sam be on a webpage or a PI presentation? Of course! Hang on, I'll go grab my webbie link...
Samanayr name (optional): Flicker of Cold Fire
Gender: Stallion
Species: Northern
Markings and colors: Black base with a spray of white-blue comets and stars. A single streak flows from the tip of the nose down to the base of her tail, crossing through star-lit white eyes. The streak starts as a deep blue and changes through cyan to finally a bright white near the tail.
Trait (optional): Antlers (White with barely-visible light blue tips.)
Accessory (optional): A woven silver circlet with a vibrant star-sapphire at the forefront. The silver wire continues up and winds around the antlers. Smaller sapphires hang off it at random intervals.
A word or two about personality:
Wise but a bit of a joker, he has insatiable energy and a will for mischief overlaying a heart of gold.